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Listen to my interview with Greg Canavan - a deep dive into the Aussie land cycle..

The other week I caught up with Greg Canavan editorial director of Fat Tail Investment Research, to give Fat Tail Alliance subscribers, a deep dive into the land cycle - and of course, we covered a lot of ground!


  • A review of the land cycle

  • Why property is rising with interest rates

  • The outlook for the Aussie property market

  • Why Melbourne missed the post-covid boom and could rebound in 2025

  • Why years ending in four tend to be bearish for the stock market

  • Why years ending in five are bullish for the stock market

  • Where China fits into the cycle

  • Commodity prices and the Kondratieff Wave peaking with the land cycle

  • The difficulty of profiting from the bust

  • The likelihood of war as boom turns to bust

Tune in below...

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