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Who Owns the Skies? UFOs and the Battle for Space Territory

For some years now – since the COVID pandemic, I’ve been hearing various conspiracy theories bandied around about UFO invasions.

The reason it always caught my ear was that 2026/7 was often given as a date for such an event.

It led me to joke on a few occasions – usually in LIVE events with my former co-editor Callum Newman, and more recently, Pete Wargent – that such an incident “could pop the land cycle bubble”.

Now – before you spit out your tea or roll your eyes – let me give a brief backdrop. Because in light of recent events, I think it’s something we have to discuss. There may be some resonance to the land cycle.

Since mid-November 2024, residents across New Jersey and the broader northeastern United States have reported a massive, unprecedented surge in sightings of large, unidentified “drones”.

Witnesses describe these drones as sizable—similar to an SUV—flying in coordinated formations over residential areas, highways, and usually close to military bases and nuclear power stations.

In some instances, up to 30 to 50 drones/orbs have been seen simultaneously.

In addition to the recent drone sightings, there have been reports of mysterious orb-like objects in the skies. They’re luminous, spherical entities—very distinguishable from conventional drones or aircraft.

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