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Writer's pictureCatherine Cashmore

Fred Harrison - Is a global property crash coming in 2027? 'House price prophet' still thinks so...

Updated: Dec 21, 2024

Fred Harrison reached out to me last week with a link to an interview he'd recently conducted with This Is Money website (re-printed with link below.)

A couple of stand-out phrases from the article caught my eye.

Firstly Fred's understanding that the peak for the current land cycle could push into 2027 - something I've written about frequently in LCI Reports. The date is not set in stone. Secondly - prospecting on what could happen post the downturn into 2028, with the statement,

"I am currently reviewing historical evidence, to gain an insight into what looms in 2028. The results will be available in the spring."

Fred is the argualbly the world's most successful economic forecaster. He's written over 20 books that have researched the land cycle in great depth. Identifying both the drivers for land price inflation, and the timing of the forthcoming collapse.

All modern researchers stand on Fred shoulders so to speak, when expanding on the great research he conducted.

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