Dubai is building a moon…
Yes, you read that right.
In an effort to make itself a global leader in ‘space tourism’, it’s launching what will be the region’s biggest ever tourist project.
Dubai’s giant moon will cost 18 billion dirham.
It will contain spas, restaurants, nightclubs, luxury residences, a moon shuttle, and training services for various space agencies worldwide.
Take a look at the mock up.
I’m not sure I’d want it in my backyard, but you can’t deny it’s impressive!

Of course, Dubai doesn’t do anything by halves.
Free trade, low taxes, and zero income tax attract businesses and populations from around the world…
As such, Dubai has the world’s highest international passenger flow.
When it was founded in the 18th century, it was little more than a fishing village surrounded by desert.
Now, it’s an economic powerhouse.